Where a girls pussy smells like sardines
Sabrina has a sardine snatch !!
by Big girl entertainment March 18, 2017
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A common term used to describe a college party in which the typical apartment with floor space for 25 people is exceeding the limit by at least 10 times over. Symptoms may include stuck up against the wall, frequent beer spillage, long keg lines, restlessness, the uncertainty of who's body odor you're smelling, and the depressing realization that you only had half a beer and it's already 2 in the morning.
Mooney: "So what did you think about that rager last night at Hunter's Ridge?"

Preston: "Are you kidding? That party was a total sardine-fest! The keg ran out within the first fifteen minutes i was there and there was so many people that i couldn't move away from this disgusting chick that smelled like used tampons!"
by Ffej16 December 20, 2010
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(In computer programming) A style of formatting source code characterized by an extreme lack of spaces and newlines.
Michael and Chris favour sardine spacing for their code.
by Pistos March 31, 2009
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When you feel the need to try and put your penis in something nasty looking.
Hey that girl not to pretty but she is worth a sardine in a bucket.
by jinzing January 3, 2013
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a very tiny penis, implying it's thin as well as short.
overheard in a ladies' loo :

Woman 1 : Did you sleep with Pete ?
Woman 2 : Yes. You too?
Woman 1 : Yep. Like a sardine in an aquarium, isn't he ?
by SRW July 13, 2005
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Something very important that comes up on thursday afternoon so you can miss work on Friday and go to Sevilla and eat sardines instead.
Alvaro will not be in the office today he had a sardine emergency
by Littletwerp May 2, 2008
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