A term for friending anyone and anything on Facebook. Usually these rampages occur when drunk or high and home alone. It also helps if the one being friended has a hot profile picture.
Gary: "Dude when did you get so many facebook friends?"
Me: "I had a Friending Rampage after one too many beers last night."
by Jemaine924 August 27, 2011
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boy with abnormally large guages, who think's hes the hottest scene boy around, when in reality he has buck yellow teeth and a small d*ck.
"Look at that girlie looking scene boy dressed head to toe in stolen hollister clothing, he's such a Ryan Rampage."
by brutal truth August 10, 2008
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when you're fuckin a chick and when your about to cum you start beating on your chest like a fuckin silverback.
Example 1:
Joe: My chest is sore from that banana rampage i went on last night.

Ex. 2:
Jenny: I had to stop my bf's banana rampage last night with a tranquilizer dart.
by Big Diesel May 6, 2007
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1. When woman or man is fucked up the ass so many times at once his/her asshole is destroyed and is left a gaping hole and him/her officially: ANALLY RAMPAGED!!!!!!!!!!!
2. In an FPS or just a shooting game, when a player on one team destroys and/or owns all the guys on the other team and proceeds to yell out: ANAL RAMPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1.Juan: Yo Taylor i was playing COD4 with Kaestner yesterday and at one time he was standing still and all u heard out of his mic was Kaestner screaming and his dad yelling "ANAL RAMPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!"
Taylor: LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Juan: Time to die, young ones.
*Proceeds to destroy Kaestner's team*
Juan: ANAL RAMPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Juan wuz Here May 22, 2008
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The period after every break-up in which an ex-participant partakes in massive amounts of fornication and/or sexual promiscuity. See also : rebound or winning-streak.
Sam: "Man, Janey, you've been sleeping around a lot lately."
Janey: "Yeah, Sam, I'm on my slutty rampage after Scott and I broke up."

Alex: "So what are you going to do now that you and Scott broke up?"
Janey: "I'm going to go on a slutty rampage, like usual."
by StarQueenBitch April 9, 2010
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To repeat the act of forcefully taking photographs of strangers violently in rapid succession.
Today; is time for a Photo Rampage
by Saucey Waffles November 21, 2010
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The act of soaking, but done without abandon to anyone who may show interest in soaking.

A soaking rampage can happen after a break-up with a Mormon boy because a polygynous soaking relationship could not satisfy the needs of the girl (or vice versa). A soaking rampage can also spontaneously happen when visiting Salt Lake City.
After dating Ryan for so long, I'm going to Salt Lake City this weekend and going on a soaking rampage.
by Roger's Not Here December 9, 2022
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