A phrase meaning that someone has finally come to a realisation to something, or has figured something out. Usually used sarcastically. This one's for you Lucy >..<
"No problemo ese."
"problemo ese?"
"No problem :P"
"Smarticle Particles >..<"
by HelloLucy! October 29, 2011
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1. particles of grain that lie beneath the base of an office chair, along the runners or supports. 2. collected dust underneath a chair or seating device. 3. tom is a dumbass.
"it's probably the grain particles getting smashed under your chair!"
by tyler and evan November 15, 2004
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An online game where the impeccable Paradox rules all.
Screw this im going to Particles RPG
by TheGreatParadox January 22, 2007
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1. Particle Physics is a field of scientific study that has not been properly defined as of yet. See waste of time.

2. How you explain the final resting position of articles of clothing in a post-coital state, oftentimes referring to absurd or previously held to be impossible trajectories or arrangements of socks.

3. A euphemism for violently puking after drinking too much, usually resulting in projection from the nasal cavities. A polite way of explaining what happened to the bathroom on your way out of the door.

4. A major chosen by college-age males who have never had sex.

5. The nickname you give a girl with atomic models shaved into her pubic hair.

6. The reason bad things happen to good people.
1. I tried reading my particle physics textbook, but I don't speak whatever language it seems to be written in.

2. Person 1: Hey? How the hell did my bra get caught on the ceiling fan?
Person 2: ...Particle Physics?

3. Dude, watch your step... some Freshman underwent some serious particle physics in the laundry room!

4. Roommate 1: So, you're a Sophomore right? What's your major?
Roommate 2: I'm thinking of going into particle physics right now.
Roommate 1: ...Dude... I'm so sorry. I remember back when I was still a virgin...

5. Friend: So, I heard you got a late night visit from Particle Physics... How was that?
Lucky Guy: Dude, that girl literally has an atomic pussy.

6. Random Haitian: WHY GOD WHY?!
Haitian Government: ...Particle Physics?
by FannyBabble February 10, 2010
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Any small particulate matter left behind on a toilet seat. This can include, but is not limited to, small dried flakes of poo, small seeds, bits of dirt, etc. This does NOT include "butt smears" or "dookie tracks."
I grossed out over the huge amount of butt particles he left behind on the toilet seat.
by wifflebird April 8, 2008
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the particles expelled when you fart, which linger in the air, causing smell.
PARTICLE: ie, atoms ... etc: expelled from bum-hole, thusly named "Arse Particles"

"Upon waking, James lifted his duvet covers and wafted the arse particles around the room. Hannah turned over...and woke up thinking something had died as the particles lingered in her nostrils."
by PARTICLECHICK November 13, 2011
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The indivisible component, or particle, which defines attraction to another being. The level of attraction is proportional to the quantity of love particles which are interacting with the object or entity which is the subject of love.
He has more love particles toward her than she for him, and although he is saddened by this, he still gets a boner when she is near.
by Obviously eric April 9, 2020
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