v. To download a file using illicit file-sharing software of some sort. e.g. Napster, Kazaa, Limewire.
Person 1: Hey man have you bought the latest album yet?

Person 2: Nah, I don't have any money. I'll just lime it.
by eXDax October 14, 2007
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To colour something lime, is to indicate its truthfulness.
The statement "Samuel has an enormous wang" would most certainly be lime'd for truth.
by Samuel August 22, 2004
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A word Jamaicans or pacific islanders use to signify hanging out, or fooling around.
Bradah 1:Aye brawdah, me gone lime in dee park today.
Bradah 2: Alright i'll see you dere man.
by Exmo7 August 6, 2011
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The perfect person. If you can win over a Lime, you are the luckiest person alive. They are the smartest and the hottest person with eyes that you could stare in for a thousand years. And they have booty as well.
“Fuck”, Ryan Goldberg said, “she’s a total fucking lime
by Emil Ime November 22, 2018
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Liming is a phase that you go through with someone you have feelings for. Its like a 'test' relationship before you make things 'official'. You get to know each other a lot better. Through that phase you might realize how strongly you guys have feelings for each other.
1.Jade and Halem aren't just friends, they're liming, but not an official couple as yet.
2. Those two are liming, they just aren't "together"

3. They're liming, just that they are afraid of what will happen if they make it official.
by VincyGirlM April 16, 2018
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