An expression used specifically for when you decide to touch somebody directly in their scrotum, the body part where the testes are stored which contain sperm, used for creating children. This phrase usually means that you know how someone feels about a specific subject.
person 2: feel my nuts
person 1: *touches person 2's nuts*
person 1: i feel your nuts
by FlashlightMemelord December 3, 2018
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The 5th of the month.
I’ll do it whenever I feel like it. As long as it’s the 5th of the month.
by DefinitelyRobbie January 5, 2023
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Colloquial phrase short for "I feel like dogshit." It means 'I don't feel well" physically, mentally, or both.
"Hey man, how are you doing?"
"Doing fine, hbu?"
"Not so well, man. I feel like dog right now."
by TheUltimateCunningLinguist April 16, 2022
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When you have said or done something particularly stupid and realise you deserve to be homeless and poor and to die cold and alone on a dirty street
Me: Shit I just burped, that was random

You: Did you just use the word random to describe a situation that wasn't actually random?

Me: Whoa I did, now I feel like a hobo
by KeasterNZ February 5, 2009
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A thing white girls say when they somewhat relate to something on the internet.
Study proves that overweight girls are fat”
White Girl: Omg I feel attacked!
by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 18, 2023
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when you feel like eating "Chicken Tonight" Brand product .
richie:hey mom what's for dinner.

Mrs. Cunningham:I havent decided what im going to make yet.

Richie:I feel like chicken tonight!(rondulet)

Mrs. C:Sit on it ,its 1964.
by h-lo August 24, 2004
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