2 definitions by TheUltimateCunningLinguist

A great well-traveled prophet of a man. Eloquent, talented, a real lady's man. By that, meaning femboy. Incredibly kind-hearted, curly-haired, soft-spoken, kinky. The first to always protect their friend. The last to leave a party when it's time to clean up. Get yourself a Yaniel and they'll do no wrong.
Yaniel is a great man and so inspirational. He gets bitches, real rope lover.
by TheUltimateCunningLinguist November 4, 2022
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Colloquial phrase short for "I feel like dogshit." It means 'I don't feel well" physically, mentally, or both.
"Hey man, how are you doing?"
"Doing fine, hbu?"
"Not so well, man. I feel like dog right now."
by TheUltimateCunningLinguist April 16, 2022
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