A canadian or french-canadian that masturbates in public. Kind of like a canadian hob knocker
George: Why do you call him a Hab Knocker ?
Joe: Because we caught him masturbating on the other side of a stand when we were at the mall.
George: ...
by LAXVIP May 18, 2011
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A person who over reacts or shows too much enthusiasm about something. Symptoms include exsessive swearing, oblivious to surroundings, yelling, jumping, hugging random people and lighting cop cars on fire. Can be used as either a noun or an adjective.
Holy shit, this guy is going HABS fan over a fucking fat chick.

- Why the fuck is he yelling at his hamburger?...
- dunno bro.. fucken HABS fans...
by MontrealALIVE November 11, 2010
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Pre-gaming for re-hab, i.e. spending all day drinking before an alcoholics anonymous meeting.
Rick is such a junky, he drank for seven hours straight and went through an eightball by himself before AA tonight. Such a bro, one day I hope to pre-hab as hard as he does.
by Dr. Junkycat March 17, 2010
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God Nicky your boyfriend is such a HAB.

I know and it sucks.
by zsaneib August 29, 2008
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the action or process of rehabilitating from a wii related injury
My arm got F-ed up playing Wii Sports Bowling, and now I need to wii-hab
by Ruthless Johnson August 31, 2007
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mani-pedi,cut and blow, massage and facial.
Moni was released from she-hab looking and feeling better. If not quite as good as at the outset of her epic pub crawl 4 days ago.
by Pbaddy August 18, 2009
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