Acronym meaning Face of failure
After falling down the red carpet, Brittany Spears had such a FOF
by Mama H. October 22, 2009
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Short term for full of fun. Used when you are having a lot of fun while doing something. It can be used as a noun, verb or an adjective. Mostly used in a semi-sarcastic way.
- How was it in Lisbon?
- FOF!

We were FOFing around all day.
by Myspacerulls July 30, 2018
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Fresh off farm. A derivative of Fob. Fof refers to people who reside in the city but are originally from the country. Characteristics of Fof's include intimacy with animals and the tendancy to speak with a progressively thicker country accent as they travel from the city
"Hey Fof, are you a part of the FFA (Future Farmers of America)?"
by Kai Wang March 5, 2006
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A pronounced acronym, a derogotory term for illigal immigrent to the US from mexico. Litteraly, it means "fresh over fence"
Dude that FOF thats mowing your lawn was staring at my girlfriend.
by Eeean April 3, 2007
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Fuck Off Fag, used when a stupid fag is being an annoying bitch.
"Hey sexy"
"FOF or I'll shoot you"
by you suck bitch January 17, 2006
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This acronym stands for : Freedom Of Fap.
Guy1 : I'm stuck in this 1 bedroom apartment with my parents for a week. I'm SO sexually frustrated!
Guy2 : Looks like you need to redeem your FOF.
by Lights_metal September 23, 2009
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