The definitive sound system for a car driven by a bogan. Usually associated with Australian western suburbs, a two-blocker is a car fitted with fully sick sub woofers and stereo system which can be heard from at least two suburban blocks of the sounds origin. Sadly, 99% of the music is of the 'doof-doof' variety. Drivers of a two-blocker have other interests such as "even more fully sick cars with louder two blockers"
"Ahhhh yuleh, I fully heard this sick two blocker pumpin' past the house"
"Sick, what a siiiick c**t"
by sixwedgenine November 10, 2005
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A large person you follow behind to get to the front of a crowded bar. Similar to how a running back follows an offensive lineman in football.
Chris: I've been waiting in this line for like 10 minutes, how'd you get drinks so fast?

Geo: I used Duke's giant girlfriend, Stacey as my lead blocker to push to the front.

Chris: She's quite the battering ram.
by ckwon December 25, 2011
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The wander ass son of a bitch who keeps getting in the way of the chick's ass you are trying to get a look at.
I was trying to check out crissie's ass but booty blocker bob kept getting in the way. Bob needs a good pipe beatin'.
by Mike Cheezmar December 16, 2012
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Talks about how much they hate cops and spends their time posting anti-cop articles
That guy on Facebook is a keyboard warrior and full time cop blocker. He spouts how much he hates cops and how they don't police themselves but normally says he knows a guy who's a cop so obviously tells the truth.
by papatroy August 13, 2015
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A person (female) who intentionally or unintentionally stops the progress of another female getting her game on.

Female-specific variant of "Cock Blocker"

Definition rooted from MrTea6's definition of Cock Blocker.
"Wow Regina is such a cunt blocker; she kissed Aaron Samuels at his Halloween party!" Cady
by I_Love_hooters January 4, 2005
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Talks about how much they hate cops and spends their time posting anti-cop articles
That guy on Facebook is a keyboard warrior and full time cop blocker. He spouts how much he hates cops and how they don't police themselves but says he knows a guy who's a cop so obviously tells the truth.
by papatroy August 13, 2015
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similar to cock blocking except used in instances where you are prevented from masturbating or "spanking your monkey"
shawns wife and kid are huge monkey blockers.
by w00t_vantuckey February 12, 2008
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