when you can smell a "burp," through your computer
she had phantom burps. he could sense the level of how disgusting the burps were
by ironfinn November 6, 2023
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When you go down on a lass, spread her legs to open the heavenly gates, as you go down on her you do a loud burp right between the flaps. ( excessive amounts of either alcohol or gas-inducing drinks help with vibrations)
(Dan) Do you remember that 'Shiela' from the bar last night Shane?
(Shane) yeah the one with the fat arse?
(Dan) yeah mate that's the one, well I took her home and after all that beer.......I had to give her the good ol' flap burp!
by Hippybeardo September 29, 2023
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The act of farting into one’s mouth while they burp to make the worst of tornadoes.
Jimmy loved when Derrick gave him a burp fart!
by Burpy Fart May 14, 2023
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A burp and/or belch that comes from the deepest dungeon of your stomach; typically smells of garbage, but can be extremely satisfying and may result in a subsequent fart.
John: (belch)

Paige: Omg John, gross! Was that a dungeonous burp?

John: yes, and it was very satisfying (fart)..
by HolliJohn December 18, 2021
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The disgusting foul smelled breeze that blows across your face when someone Burps at close range
Frank was drinking beer and talking to Jane when Frank belched into her face deliberately , creating a powerful and smelly Burp Breeze that sent Jane back several feet.
by StainsandSmears August 17, 2017
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When your hungry and you haven’t ate and you start burping
Jill: Hey Tom!
Tom: IM SO HUNGRY *hunger burps*
Jill: ...
by Poo girl heyyyyy September 28, 2020
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