Easily the greatest movie ever! Starring Al Pacino (one of the greatest actors of our time), Steve Bauer (Manny), and Michelle Pheifer (Tony's girlfriend) A perfect portrayal of the American dream in Miami in the 1980s. Type of movie you can watch over and over agian and quote through the whole thing. You haven't lived until you watch Scarface.
"Who do I trust? ME!"-Tony Montana, Scarface
by amimal22 October 20, 2007
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A famous movie about a cuban druglord named Tony Montana (played by Al Pacino). He kills lots of people over drug deals, snorts coke, and makes his life big in America, but when he fails to kill a guy with his wife and 2 kids in a car, a guy named Sosa orders a million guys to kill Montana & his henchmen, but Montana kills nearly all of them before they can get to him. However, some pussy whos afraid to show himself shoots Montana from behind. The greatest movie I ever saw.
" I'll take you all to fu#$ing hell! " - Tony Montana in Scarface.
by SanMahn February 21, 2010
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Houstons very own OG . RAP-ALOT MAFIA records rapper
that new facemob is off da hook
by italian darkness August 31, 2003
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One of the best rappers to hit the game.. Top 5.. Nas is the best of course.. Rapper who lays shit down like dolo.
Scarface is God.. You know how we do.. Scarface rocks da joint
by Deetsx December 12, 2004
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One of the best rappers to the game of rap.
Scarface The Diary (album)
Scarface - No tears (song)
by Symp August 14, 2003
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