A boy that cheats, lies, and is extremely childish. It is also a boy that will smash anything, especially your friends. It also a man who spends all day and night with his boys like they dating . And lastly it's a boy that can be so in love with you while y'all are together but when y'all break up you a how, that etc.
That guy just broke up with his girlfriend and he's already trying to talk to her friend his such a Cat Ass Boy.
by Tcyjhnvhnxgnsg. Cgx. Hrzymewjy January 27, 2017
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A term given to that dry tight shitty feeling in the back of the throat usually after a hefty session on the beer.
Fuck me, i've got a Throat Like A Cat's Ass
by Greg_the_Smeg February 8, 2019
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Intensely tight to the point that entry seems impossible
"Due to the visit of a foreign dignitary, the police had the city locked down tighter than a Cat's ass!
by Mr. Jameson September 13, 2010
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A very large cat. Usually domesticated and is mostly angry.
"Woah Matt, Watch out for that ass cat sitting on the couch, it can attack you!"
by Koch Master June 19, 2009
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ass cat is an insult for a a youtuber called ash-cat who likes the fucking area 51 game on obama ball and ass cat/ash-cat is also a women with a cock
i fucking hate ass cat for banning me from his discord server for no reason.
that bastards profile picture is a women with a cock
by Spootine March 6, 2021
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Casn be used to describe someone who is an idiot and make yourself sound cool at the same time.

*See ass hat
"Man,Jammie is such an ass cat!"

"What an ass cat!"
by Ryoko Katsuya August 11, 2005
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When you or your friend has a big, obese orange tabby cat with a huge appetite.
"Dude, you have a big, Garfield-ass cat!"
by GunnyMan4 December 1, 2016
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