Naturally sheisty characters. Something about living on an Island that and being mixed breed mongrels (celts, germanics, vikings, etc) causes these people to engage in all sorts of shady behaviors. Americans are better. Although having a British accent does make you sound smart.
"That Brit sure does sound smart, but he's probably gonna rug me later."
by OGAnon133742069 February 7, 2022
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Commonly used phrase which was born as the blend of the colloquial terms 'bruh' and 'shit'.

Note: this word is completely unrelated to the demonym of those filthy Islands in Western Europe, that's right, Jersey and Guernsey. It is also unrelated to the shitty island if Great Britain.
Brit, step bro! Whatta you doing with those fish and chips?!?!
by not Zinkobes November 9, 2020
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A Brit is a gay ugly overatted tit
by Pest July 26, 2019
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a (very annoying) phrase used by americans to describe british (which is different to english!) people
i am british not a brit *grinds teeth*
by Colette2000 August 4, 2005
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You damned brits like bashing on Americans huh?

We can spell "mum" mom if we please. You want to "nickle and dime" us? We'll do the same with you.

British people go on the hunt and eat crumpets and hang a hell of a lot of people. And what's up with their damned Monarchy? I'd be like screw King and Queen stuff, I want a president. And why haven't you Brits had a black king/queen?

YOU IGNORANT BASTARDS. Except for the British folk who respect other countries, Americans like those British. British people we don't like, we call Brits. Simple as that.
Brit: Hello there chap! Care for a spot of tea and crumpets before we set off on the hunt?

American: What the hell are you goin' on about you Brit?

Brit: Eh, wot? You bloke! You'll swing for this mate and cheerios and rotting teeth, eh crumpets?

(Not really how they talk, I know. Just a little humor)
by Kirby G. September 17, 2009
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A combination of a brat and a twit. Often confused with the word "brit", which is defined as a person of British descent.
by indsrule November 20, 2011
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Some sexy ass bitch who, quite simply, exudes awesomeness.

"Damn! Who is that fine ass motherfucker stumbling around with a bottle of wine in her hand?"

"That my friend, is a Brit"

by Brit (of course) April 17, 2008
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