A forceful, often clunky or unwieldy, movement, used to describe actions with weight.
*getting ready for a fight* “alright, you ready for a good wumpin’? Get ready for the haymaker!” *wumps you on the head*

“Could you please keep it down in there!? I can hear you wumping around your room and it’s driving me insane!”
by Zizoman123 July 9, 2021
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A Wump is a combination of Wonk and Lump.
Sydney: Damn Rick those cookies are all wump.
by Wumplord August 1, 2017
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Someone with the hottest breath imaginable. Also, they’re like sloth from the goonies, but gay.
A: “that faggot just touched me bro”
B:”oh shit bro, he’s such a wump, bro”
by FuckingFuck2 May 19, 2019
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A chronic liar and someone who doesn’t brush their teeth
Person 1: “I have 4 lambo’s”

Person 2: “you are a wump
by MrMakeYourNight December 12, 2020
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“Hey you can’t shit on the Ricky piss couch
by Suggy45 September 14, 2023
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N. A house cat.

V. Someone or something that behaves like a house cat.

See also wumpy, or wumpus, or wumpette
by dudemcdudebrobrobro November 7, 2018
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