Something your English teacher forced you to learn about
Brush, Shakespeares like 500 years old, why do we need to earn about him???
by ipunnorg May 25, 2021
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A single earring sported in tribute to the famed playwright.
My Shakespeare professor wears a gold Shakespearring.
by Nacho Treadwheels March 10, 2009
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Really old guy with a whole crap-load of plays that he may or may not have actually written. Some of his stuff is good, some not so good, but all of it over-analysized by english teachers around the globe. Like all really old guys from the Renaissance, he kind of looks like blood hound that got thrown into a blender with a bunch of lace doilies.
What was Shakespeare thinking when he wrote "Romeo and Juliet"?
by zombie_fools April 10, 2008
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The God of English Literature. He makes horror movie icons look like sissies and dictators like civilians.
Dude 1:Man, reading Macbeth is much more eye scorching than staring at the sun.
Dude 2:I know how it feels. Shakespeare made Alexander the Great look like a panzy with his writing.
by Christopher Henderson January 18, 2009
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a twat who's only perpose on the earth was to anoy teenagers at school
by Martin February 8, 2005
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A Dude who Wrote some of the most boring plays ever.He actually believed England was an ISLAND I mean what a Fucktard and his so called 'comedies' were about as funny as a kick in the Nads Totally Over Rated!
Shakespeare needs a Geography Lesson
by william the wallace March 15, 2006
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A spear that shakes. What else does it mean, you stupid fuck?
Look at my shakespear, it's trembling with fear
by Dynaeras June 20, 2014
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