A dehydrated piece of dog feces layered between two pieces of moldy white bread.

Typically served in a plastic container by policemen to homeless people
I think your going to have eat a Texas shit sandwich.
by Pheecees September 7, 2019
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When a individual shits on a friends/persons laptop keyboard, then closes the screen.
My roommate passed out, so i ordered him an electronic shit sandwich on his desk while he was sleeping. Also known as (ESS)
by MattyDiesel November 11, 2010
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When someone opens their mouth to talk, and the smell is so rank, it smells like they ate a shit sandwich. They have shit sandwich breath.
Damn, Alan! Your breath is the worst! Smells like you have shit sandwich breath!
by Auntshel March 9, 2020
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When someone has such horrible breathe that it is compared to horse droppings on two pieces of bread.
Joe - "Dude, Cindy has terrible breathe"

Rob - "I know, its smells like she ate a horse shit sandwich.
by Justin Syder September 2, 2014
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Going to make someone do something they won't want to do...
If that fucker don't stop dissin my gal I am gonna feed them a shit sandwich
by jclyow November 3, 2009
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A sexual accident which occurs when someone is performing cunnilingus on a female from the Baja region of Mexico. The female farts, which subsequently becomes a shart and the male ingests a portion of the stick suprise, much to his pleasure.
Hey dude, I had a delicious San Diego Shit Sandwich from Rosalita last night.
by GringoTENN October 7, 2008
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