An abbreviation for "pass the salt". MMO and AIM addicts love abbreviating simple phrases, and when it translates into real life it can be dangerous. PTS is a prime example.
"Mom, PTS"
"pass the fucking salt god dammit, my guild is raiding in like 10 mins"
by Bolleke June 21, 2005
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Previous tweet

The hashtag #PT is added to a tweet when somebody wants to reference his own previous tweet
Tweet 1: I want a car for my birthday
Tweet 2: And also a new pc #PT
by ndsmyter January 10, 2013
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an abbrieviation used to trick one's companion or foe into admitting they are either a. not potty trained, or b. a pregnant teenager.
person1: Are you PT?
person2: ...yes?


person1: are you PT?
person2: HAHA i know what that is. no i'm not a preg-
person1: ewwww you're not potty trained
by michele February 23, 2004
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Pussy Time
Another name for Pussy is Poon
Man 1: Dude I heard you hooked up with that chick last night.
Man 2: Yeah dude i got major PT!
by I.R. McElroy September 1, 2007
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An acronym that stands for 'Pervert That'.
The next, more descret, more broad 'That's what she said'.
Person 1: Have you seen the new Alice In Wonderland?
Person 2: All I know was she was falls into a hole.
Person 1: PT
Person 2: You are such a perv. Try to GROW UP.
Person 1: PT! You were asking for that one.
by PTboatlol March 19, 2010
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A woman with Proper Thickness. Generally a complimentary term for a girl who has a decent amount of thick. Not too fat, but not skinny.
Dude 1: "Hey what you think of that girl?"
Dude 2: "Damn, that bitch has some serious PT"
Dude 1: "Yeah, that shit is proper."
by kansascitymark August 23, 2007
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