Abe is short for Abraham Lincoln. It is used to refer to nickle bags of marijuana. It is used to appear inconspicuous/innocent.
"Wheres Abe at?"

Translation: Where can I find $5 worth of weed to purchase.
by Mr Moosey June 2, 2011
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Usually involves of a wrench, a pillow, an insulin needle, and a pissed off Bi-Polar Drunkard, known as Shannon O'Houlihan.

Person 1: how the hell is that drunkard chasing the kid with an insulin needle?

Person 2: Thats Shannon, i bet that poor kid stole Shannon's favorite wrench and pillow again... poor poor soul...

Person 3: EVERYONE SAVE YOURSELVES!!!! It's a Shannon O'Houlihan!!! he will have ABS with everyone!!! arrrrgggghhh

That was some serious ABS we had last night, I haven't worked up a sweat like that since I was a teenager
by NeWolf June 14, 2011
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Dude 1: D’you think dat she is an ABS babe, huh?

Dude 2: Nah, man.
by quan cao tien October 5, 2010
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Awkward But Entertaining (ABE) - when someone or something is simultaneously extremely awkward and embarrassingly entertaining.
Customer - "I'm looking to buy a bottle of your nougaretto"
Salesman - "Careful, that's an aphrodisiac" *winks*
Customer - "It's actually for my mum"
Salesman - "Well I'm sure she'll have a great time"
Customer - *goes red* "well this is awkward!"
Salesman - "i'll wrap it in some fishnet stockings for you"
Customer - "oh god"
Customer's girlfriend - *laughing* "this is so frikin ABE!"

Boyfriend and girlfriend painting a wall

Boyfriend - "it's funny how our painting styles reflect our personalities"
Girlfriend - "how so?"
Boyfriend - "well you like to make small and accurate strokes, you're a perfectionist"
Girlfriend - "ok, so what about you?"
Boyfriend - "I like to just lather it on thick, and wait for you to clean it up"
Girlfriend - "oh my, how ABE!" *puts palm to head like a damsel in distress*
*porno ensues....*
by TiggyToms December 25, 2013
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An extremely unattractive snaggletoothed virgin female with full-on Abe Lincoln facial hair (stache, beard, sideburns)
OMG did you see that chick?? She is totally an Abe!
by Sweet_Melissa December 9, 2010
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I was at work the other day giving a presentation, when ABS struck!
by Phydeaux8635 May 19, 2013
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Nick name of Abraham Lincoln. Therefore anyone whom is deemed the name is a bad ass and probably has a large penis. Usually very sexy and mysteriously interesting. Sometimes belongs to a home schooler.
I'm gonna give Abe massive ABE (a big erection) tonight.
by BigboyABE April 19, 2013
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