An acronym standing for Marching Band. Used by people online when messaging people publically,such as MySpace or Facebook, to avoid the criticism or questioning of other people.
James: Hey Mike are you doing MB next year?
Mike: I can't, I'm joining the football team.
by -=[DeTeRMiNaTioN]=- August 5, 2009
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He drives a hot MB SL500!
by DTNS January 25, 2009
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Don't listen to her. She's pulling an MB on you.
by HateBucket30 April 29, 2010
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by AMWAYS April 6, 2023
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Massive build up of sperm. Similar symptons to when a woman is experiencing PMS.
Rob hadn't had sex in soooo long he was suffering a severe case of MBS
by FredAstair July 3, 2010
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Mouthy Broad Syndrome (MBS) affects people possessing two 'x' chromosomes. Symptoms can include:
- Not shutting the fuck up.
- Telling other people your private conversations or actions.
- Flapping of the mouth with no meaningful things coming out.

Treatment of MBS is usually as simple of administering one or two sharp blows to the person affected. If this does not work seek medical attention immediately.
My wife/girlfriend has been diagnosed with MBS. The back of my hand is getting really sore.
by Tabster September 21, 2012
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morning bulge; when you wake up and notice that your dick is poking your pants, thus forming a bulge
I don't get embarssed when my mom notices my MB coz its only natural and happens to all teenage boys
by tory borty May 7, 2013
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