A term used to describe a boyfriend with extraordinary and beautiful body hair but yet has a tender and soothing nature about him
My boyfriend Chris Washby is such a wookie man, I love his long beautiful hair
by February 11, 2021
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When a guy has an excessive amount of unflattering facial or body hair.
Oh my GOD, Zeke's growing a beard ... he looks like he's harboring a wookie.
by carrieparker July 8, 2007
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A particularly large and thick patch of female pubic hair.
Damn, thats one mean wookie mat she had
by Struth! January 31, 2019
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A Cyber Wookie is genetically modified wookie that lives in Cyber Space. He has interchangable parts and can do ANYTHING. I repeat, ANYTHING.

Originally thought up by Ben Hartland and came in to play during college where class mates would alter the appearance of the Cyber Wookie.

The rules of Cyber Wookie are:
1. Do not undo anything someone has done without popular demand.
2. Do not cover up someone elses modification, but you may add to it.
3. It must be a Wookie.

Original Wookie: http://tinyurl.com/rruwf

Cyber Wookie: http://tinyurl.com/lswzx

by Ben Hartland August 16, 2006
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The act of hiding in a bush or plant in battle and waiting for it to end
Look at them sandniggers bush wookie mode activate
by Bush Wookie October 1, 2017
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A person who hides in bushes during the course of Fortnite match.
Dammit Liam. You are such a fucking bush wookie!
by bob.lewis69 March 28, 2018
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Bushwookie is a retail phenomenon when one coworker leaves another co-worker at the front counter alone.
Lucus went to lunch and Chase had to go to the bathroom. Mike who was left at the counter was then bomb rushed by bush wookies.
by Auto parts guy August 25, 2022
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