The worst and most set up to fuck you up place on the face of the earth. Never can catch and break and always has the homeboys locked up. For bullshit. And are all dirty anyway. They got Buckethead.
by Sonny Shines (8babycakea1) April 28, 2022
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Slang term for a whiskey and ginger ale.
You gonna get the cops called on you if you keep drinking these ginger jails so fast
by LargestLionEver July 5, 2015
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An imprisioned male whom innocent females are strangely attracted to.
Hannah is really into those jail bucks.
by @meganj2312 November 23, 2016
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Jail breaking consists of tying your penis and testicles to a chair and throwing the chair through the window
Dad: Jim, Why are all the windows smashed?
Jim: Dad I was just jail breaking to impress Shauna!
by FacadeJG May 22, 2019
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County jail brown brief: the fresh white underwear that the county gives you to wear along with the blue shirt and pants.
Deputy : everybody line up…

Inmate: everybody get in line.

Deputy: tell them your size and go. Don’t hold the line. Whatever you get you cannot exchange it. Are we clear?

Inmate: large

Deputy: next

Inmate: small

Inmate: yo dept? Can I get a white one. This one is brown

Deptuty: they’re all the same. Next!
Inmate: yo dept. This one is brown. In the middle there’s poop on it…

Deputy: let me see that. Hold it up. Show me. Well what do you know. Next

Inmate: can I exchange it?

Deputy: nope. Wash it!

Inmate: that’s “county jail brown brief
by Bigbirddebelen November 10, 2022
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When you're forced to play Moira in Overwatch.
Brigitte got nerfed again, so we're back in nail jail.
by seventhirtysix September 11, 2020
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A sexual dance performed by an adult on a minor, or vice-versa, resulting in one or both of the participants serving time
"Hey man, did you hear about the kid that went to the club for his birthday? What a badass!"

"Yeah, but the cops found out it was a jail dance and arrested the performer. He does look mature for an eleven year old though"
by Word_4_word February 11, 2016
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