A phrase describing being so close to someone that it is akin to being on a man's grundle
Person A: James was so close to Nick that he could feel his breathe.

Person B: Yeah, James was up in his grundle.
by Juno992 April 3, 2010
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When a girl gets drunk and starts to give you a blowjob (usually late at night), but because she is drunk she bites your dick. At this point you slap her, however you still want her to finish because you are horny but she is too drunk to do it right so she keeps chewing up your junk.
When Kim gets drunk she turns into a total cock fiend, but my dick always feels like a chew toy after she has her Midnight Grundle Snack.
by Dub Sack All-Stars December 20, 2007
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Masturbating with a Playstation controller vibrating against your grundle.

Fendley was performing the gamer grundle tap wile playing Spider Man 3. OHHHHH! TOBY MAGUIRE!!!!!
by TPF COUGAR HUNTER December 4, 2007
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A Grundle Queen is someone who takes their meals in the fine establishment and eatery known as the Grundle, which is located in the Harris-Millis dining hall at the University of Vermont, and is a smoke show whom anyone straight male in the vicinity would gladly partake in sexual activities with.
Man 1: Dammnnn shes soo hot!
Man 2: Dude there is no way there is a hot chick in the Grundle...(looks)..holy shit there is a Grundle Queen
by Sir redspoon December 2, 2012
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a word used to trick people into using in a graded piece of schoolwork

Base word of grundle
Person 1: "Hey i cant think of a word that fits into my essay"

Person 2: "You are probably thinking of grundle-oid"

Person 1: "Whats that mean?"

Person 2: "Its too hard to explain, just put it in, it will make u look smart."
by mike January 6, 2005
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When the area between the testes, and the anus is moist yet dry and appears to be crunchy.
by Someone Horrible October 9, 2008
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