Like playing charades, but sticking random objects in ones anal cavity whilst having them guess what the object is.
“Man, Katie and I played anal charades last night and I still can’t walk right”
by Six9inek9 December 10, 2018
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Another way of calling someone a tight-ass. Having Anal Lichties means you act like you have a stick up your ass all the time.
Guy 1: "I was trying to hit on this girl last night, but her friend was so rude, and wouldn't let us talk alone."

Guy 2: "Sounds like the friend had a case of Anal Lichties."
by Someonesomeoneelse January 31, 2012
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A fake medical condition wherein the sufferer has parasitic worms living in their anus, giving them permanent "duck-face" in photographs.
Guy 1: "What's with all the kissy faces girls have in photos?"

Guy 2: "They must have a case of Anal Lichties.
by Someonesomeoneelse January 31, 2012
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When a girl, or man, crawls up in another girl, or mans, rectum with their mouth facing out the butthole. Then a man fucks the person in the rectum with the person inside. The dick anal fucks and it gets sucked.
"oh dude, i got the anal dick sucking last night, it was amazing"
"my friend wants to do anal dick suck, u up?"
by craycraypussydog January 30, 2020
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in a whole mess of pain, referring to how a gay man's anus will probably be very unbearable pain-wise after he, does the dirty.
"My God is your bone sticking out of your head? You look Hurt More Than A Gay Top After Anal Sex."
by JackMasterBater November 9, 2023
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An anal wave is a fart. Passing gas.
Oh! I ate a big plate of beans. I feel an anal wave coming on.
by Purplenado March 7, 2023
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When you fart but it sounds different and spits everywhere.
Taco Bell gave me an anal lisp. I'm no analyst but I'll bet it was the sand.
by mervunit69 October 2, 2021
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