A woman's pokie, pipe, dildo, vibrator,and butt plugs, not usually seen by anyone because it's on the shelf
I don't like when a dirty ass bitch don't care about her health I don't like shit but that stick on the shelf that's it I don't like shit so I sticks to myself myself
by Cal1foolya July 4, 2022
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A low end illegal bar that is run in one of your friends basements that features cheap alcohol and (usually) cold beer where people pregame and postgame actual bars
by BigPete623 August 5, 2019
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During intercourse, the act of putting in just the balls (no penis) into the vagina
“Bro did you hit
Nah we just went shelfing
by 69coochie-man69 October 4, 2021
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When a person comes up behind a female and places their arms around them in a hug, the arms are placed under the bosom and are squeeze so the breasts bounce up a bit.
The dirty old man was shelfing his younger friend.
by H. D. Mort March 25, 2021
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When someone removes the top lid of a toilet and shits into the compartment where the chain and lever are located and then puts the lid back on.
I could figure out where that smell in the bathroom was coming from until I lifted the top off the back of the toilet and noticed someone had going top shelf.
by Risk Ransom October 14, 2022
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The crook in your wrist made when you flex your thumb. It allows for a secure place for crack-heads and whack ass bitches to do a line on the fly.
Ellee: Aye you want a line?
Richard: Yeah but I'm not doing one of your crusty butt cheeks, I just take it off the hobo shelf.
by Couldn't Think of a Pseudonym February 24, 2020
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A Psychological Weapon Used By Parents To Persuade Their Children To Be On Their Best Behavior.

Used Primarily Around The Holidays To Encourage Kids To Mind Their Manners And Be Respectful.

A Cultural Technique Used By People From New Bedford Massachusetts Since 1973.
" New England Mother's Need Only One Babysitter, The Belt On The Shelf. "
by Four Horsemen Studio December 28, 2016
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