Commonly known as Zelandia, Landi is a very trust worthy friend that you can count on whenever you need her. She beautiful, sporty, creative and is good at anything you can think of. Her beauty might make you think twice about her but this is nothing to worry about because she is really amazing and she is worth the world. Any boy that is lucky to have her should learn from her talents because like said she is good at everything! Everyone loves Landi!
Tyler- I love Landi but I am too scared to ask her out.

Landi- Hey! i heard you are a bit worried to ask me out. Dont worry. I have you back and I say yes to you
Tyler- I love you babe
Landi- Thanks. JK i love you more
by Apithany Marinalyn May 19, 2018
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The guy who thinks niggas like him. his dick hurts cause he gets boner. hates fortnite. cancer gamer and shares negativity. he plays rainbow six siege
Matt: Hello wanna play fortnite?
Landy: no shitnite rainbow is better
by Russian vader November 14, 2018
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To cheat at somthing, make excuses about said cheating, and then ultimately lie about said cheating.

Refers to Floyd Landis of cycling fame who won the 2006 Tour de France, failed a drug test, blamed the failed drug test on beer, whiskey, dehydration and his natural body, only to find that the failed drug test contained synthetic testoserone, to which Landis replied, "Whatchou Talkin' Bout Willis?"
Jimmy: "Read 'em and weep, assholes, FOUR ACES!"

Ben: "Um, I have a pair of aces, how do you have four?"

Jimmy: "Maybe this was one of those crazy six-ace deck of cards you hear about? Maybe there was a printing error at the factory? Maybe someone put two decks of cards back mixed up? I really don't know how it happened, but I am clearly the strongest poker player at the table this hand!"

Ben: "You fucking Landis!"
by Mike the Bald August 5, 2006
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A very unattractive person who is a bender and a duster and is considered team water boy
Landis is shit
by sa1617 March 1, 2017
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A white-washed Asian kid born in Canada during the 20th Century. A.K.A relationship adviser
YO, LANDY! Wanna get Starbucks?

DUDE, Landy, gimme some relationship advice!

Landy, your way better than Yujin at relationship advice!
by Urban Dictionary [OFFICIAL] December 20, 2016
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A 40+ year old who's trying to stay young by listening to modern day music, dressing like a teen age douche bag , an spending money on luxury items an a piss load of human growth hormones !!!!!
Wow Alex nice shirt an what up with your hair slicked back ! Ya fuckin Tim landis !!
by bigzidis November 8, 2013
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Aj Landy is known for his Harry Potter POVS on Tiktok. He is also asexual.
OMG! AJ Landy is asexual!
by jenmatera December 7, 2020
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