Alright, I just want to clear a few things up a little bit for you ignorant haters.

Check your facts, icp is not racist, satanic, or rednecks. If you actually pay attention to what they say, you would know that they are not, and all that, is actually stuff they hate.

Not all juggalos drink, smoke, are overweight, or are any other of the ignorant stereotypes we have to put up with, And we definitely don't try to be black, or any race other than what we are, and we aren't posers, Juggalos have accepted and take pride in who we are. We don't always bitch about bein screwed over by life, when we get screwed over, we just accept it and make the best of it. We don't worship icp, or the rest of the psychopathic artists as some of you assholes claim. We don't gang up on people in fights, and we are not just mere fans, we are a family bound together by the music we listen to, and our similarity in likes and dislikes, it's hard to explain really. We can listen to ANY music we want to, being a Juggalo is not about the music, it's about the way of life.

Now, everyone has their own reasons for hatin us, as so rightfully stated by Madrox in the song Different, but, for those of you that hate us because we listen to icp, reflect on that statement for a moment, and you'll realize how stupid it is to hate someone because of the music they listen to.

I have one last thing to say:
MCL, juggalo fam.
The haters obviously know nothing of our lifestyle, yet they talk like they know all about it.
by down4life June 30, 2005
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basically a juggalo/juggalette is someone who dont give a fuck. all they care about is the wicked shit, kickin back, and doin shit their way.
that muthafacko is a juggalo! he is down wit da clown till he is dead in the ground.
by emily April 12, 2005
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Being a Juggalo or Juggalette is about being an individual. About not caring what anybody thinks. When ya just don't give a shit, and ya do what you want, and say how you feel.

You don't have to strictly be a fan of ICP, Twiztid, ABK, or any of the artists on Psychopathic Records. It's about being true to yourself, and being there for the Juggalo Family!

Many people hate 'em cuz of al lthe cussing in the songs. So they quickly judge before listenign to the words, and looking for the meaning.
We will never die aloner, Juggalos will carry on, swing our hatchets if we must, each and every one of us!!!
by Sintrelle June 21, 2005
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To truely understand what one is, you have to be one. The way I see, there isn't an explaination/definition for what we are. All in all, is all we are.
1. We aren't ALL poor and scrubby. A juggalo/juggalette can and may as well be anyone walking down the street.
2. We are like one big family. How would you like it if I started talking crap about your family? (and you ask stupid questions like, "well if you don't care, why do you get angry at hater posts?") You'd be upset too.
3. We don't judge. We're not in your way. We live life the same way you do. We may not all have certain special luxeries as you do. But we get by, because we don't care. We don't need to take advantage of anything. We cherish everything we DO get, and live with it.
4. If you really want to understand. I strongly suggest you read the book, *Behind The Paint* written by Violent J (of ICP). I guarentee, even a hater would understand and show some love.
*i live for.. the carnival, i die for.. the carnival*
by jessie_the_juggalette September 25, 2006
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i am a juggalette myself and we are verry open loveing people truthfully if u hate me i dont care but all i ask is if u try to get to know at least one juggalo or juggalette befor u start hatein on us most of us have been trough alot ... those of u who still be hatein after u get to know one of us then go right agead all the power to u :) ... i dont think its unreasonable to to just give us a chance to shine but wt eves its your choice ... n to any juggalos/lettes out there MMFWCL peace
juggalojuggalettefamilyjuggalo lovejuggalo/juggalette
by juggalette19964life February 1, 2011
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A Juggalo is a listener of psychopathic records, an individual person who just dont give a fuck about what haters think and when they walk down the street and see people who look like they got something to say, they dont say shit instead they run home and get on this site and talk about how gay juggalos are and that we know nothing of the streets...why?... because they were afraid to speak thier mind, throw down and get fucked up for what they believe in.
juggalo:*walking down sidewalk*

stupid kid:*passes juggalo without saying shit, even though he has something to say*

stupid kid:*runs home and get on and starts bashing juggalos because he didnt have the balls to say shit on the street*
by ²ÐoPe August 24, 2005
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Juggalos and lettes often get a bed rep because nobody really gives us a chance. People don't like us because we are different from the rest of the brain washed society and are ourselves, not clones. Not every lette and lo do drugs, there are straight edge lettes and los. There are lettes and los who hang with others (non family), and then there some who only hang with family. Yes, we are a very large group stretched from every which way and consider each other family. Not all lettes and los a lowlifes, scum bags, whatever. You can think you can judge everyone and know their whole life and shit, but when it comes to the truth, hah, it'd blow your fucking mind.
Joe: "Yo Brad, Sam! Get yo asses over here!"
Dick: "What the fuck you doing man? Those faggots are juggalos/juggalette."
Joe: "Dude, you're a asshole, juggalos/juggalettes are people too. Besides, they're mad chill."
Dick: "They're nasty scumbags yo. You want to fucking chill with those faggots, I'm peacing."
Joe: "What the fuck ever yo, at least they're not fucking douches like you."
Dick:" ............."
Joe: "That's what I thought."
Dick: "Fuck you man!!..."
Dick walks away.
by psychotokerlette October 6, 2011
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