Foody is like a Furry, though instead of it being an anthropomorphic animal, its an anthropomorphic food.
People who are a Foody may have Foodsonas just like fursonas!
Jordan: I'm coming out... I'm a foody
Max: Bro me too, my foodsonas a Peanut
Jordan: Rad! Mines popcorn :D
by Jubie-Jub April 7, 2023
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A foodie is a person who loves or has a deep admiration for food and eating food. Does not neccesarily have to be fat, but like eating. They might feel happy or very at peace when being around food.
If you like food, you are a foodie.
by hungrychance14 December 12, 2010
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A foodie is Someone who THINKS they know something about food and the science of cooking. Or even the restaurant industry. Not knowing that cook who just sent out their Precious "Seared Ahi with Lemon Pepper Crotch Crickets en Crote" just got a BJ in the walk-in from your waitress. Who took your order with dick on her breath I might add. Also the reason she's perky tonite is not because she likes her job it's the COKE.
My! my! my! Ethel. Aren't these Dingle Berries a la Supreme Fantastic! Yes Chandler and my Tube Steak Terrine is Fab! C'est Manifique! It's great being a foodie isn't it!
by Chef Deez Nuts January 16, 2007
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When someone takes a picture of their food and posts it online, for eaxmple on Instagram or Twitter.
"Wow, this foodie is totally going to Instagram!"
by Digitaalinen keittokirja January 28, 2015
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a person who is super fat who goes by the nick name as “Lucas” or “a big fat ugly whale” who sits in their living room all day smoking spice or tea bags that they’ve ripped open and emptied into a rizler and is usually common if they get scary dreams and can’t sleep or when a mister asked them to come over to them and start shaking
“oh he’s such a fat ugly foodie looking bastard “
-Walks into Macdonalds-Worker:”oh here we go the foodies here”
by Big Fat Shlong January 29, 2020
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Also sometimes spelled, "foody", this word describes a person who enjoys food on another level. A foodie Often says "mmm" while they chew, and gets mouth watery from the hashtag #foodporn on Instagram. A foody looks for new restaurants to try new foods of all shapes and sizes. Different from a food critic, a foodie does not try only spendy small portioned dishes, but tries all foods.
I am a total foodie, I'll try any culture's food.
by Sparklefoodie November 30, 2015
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Simply put a foodie is someone who loves everything there is to know or learn about food.
Spicie Foodie is one of the most passionate foodie blogs around, she will teach you all about the love of good food.
by choccakelover December 1, 2010
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