A small bioluminescent spore (usually purple) that drafts around until it finds its way into a persons anus, embeds itself in the rectal wall for a period of time and then expands suddenly and rapidly until it explodes, usually blowing the unfortunate victim in two.
(Opens flove container) Fly away little flove, avenge me.
by Smith mcJohn March 6, 2016
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The act of love being shared between two people with the the 'F' sound at the start of there names.
Phoebe:I love you
Francesca: No, I Flove you!
by Ifloveyouphoebe October 25, 2010
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To love someone as a friend; the highest amount of affection you can show someone you're not going out with.
Girl: I love you (as a friend)
Guy: You could have just said I flove you lol
by GGreenBass July 27, 2009
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Shorthand for "farty love"; When your love for someone is so intense and so real that you can fart in front of them without shame or embarrassment.
Last night I went out for Mexican food with my boyfriend, and afterwards...well to make a long story short, we're now in flove.
by jdavisbruin February 25, 2012
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The feeling of love. The butterflies you get in your stomach when you're around that special person. Not full on love that requires actions, just the feeling of it. In other words, flove is fake love.
I don't love you yet Jimmy, I just flove you.
by floverlover September 10, 2010
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Fake Love...Flove. To be in fake love with someone.
Erika and Regina keep falling in flove with hot guys.
by Salmon and HHH September 29, 2006
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"fake love"

Referring to fake love in a way of infatuation.

Can be used if someone really likes someone but doesn't necessarily mean they love them. They are obsessed.
"Oh man, I'm in flove with him/her."

"I flove you."
by Tayls September 15, 2006
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