The art of bullshit, or writing an entire report/making up something on the spot in which you know nothing about.
You can bullshit to your parents, your english teacher, your PA, anyone if you're good enough.
by anonymous May 23, 2004
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THat is nothing but bullshit. I do not believe a word of it.
by Light Joker September 13, 2004
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Most of today's media, music and movies.
- Have you heard Lady Gag...
- Aw man please no more bullshit for today
by Another random guy August 18, 2013
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A television series on the SHOtime movie network. Hosts Penn & Teller debunk myths and stuff that is just plain out bullshit. Including Bottled water, Talking to the dead, PETA, and more. Has been on air for 2 seasons so far.
Ingrid: PETA Will continue to grow

Penn: Bullshit!
by iwannabeanalcoholic March 26, 2005
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The art of pre-planning and pre-rehearsing a credible lie for the sake of manipulation or deception.
Johnny spoofed the cops at the interrogation, he's a master in the art bullshiteering.
by Robertino October 17, 2005
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someone who constantly spews bullshit out of their mouths without first thinking if it makes any sense
i offered ary one G of redbud for $20.00 cause she always thalks about getting an oz or 2 over the weekend, but being the bullshiter she is she told me she "gets it free from her friend that only she knows"
by sir smokesalot January 16, 2007
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