An enormous blond man who drinks heavily, talks about the sea all the time and for some reason always wears a little woolly hat.
Bobby's in hospital after getting beaten up by a drunk Norwegian who accused him of trying to chat up his trawler.
by Al Bum December 2, 2008
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In a hotel, wake up, hungry and horny, but are too late for instead you eat a Norwegian breakfast.....the woman bends over the bathroom counter, ass in the air and the man kneels behind and feasts on her pussy until she comes on his face.....both have satisfied their hunger.
' how was the breakfast in the hotel.....?'
' I was too late so I took a Norwegian breakfast instead......'
by OsloRadisson May 20, 2021
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A form of mutual masturbation similar to the Dutch Rudder. Each partner folds his leg over the top of the other's leg and begins to shake it, sending vibrations up the partner's thigh, and eventually to the tip of their penis.
Hey you want me to suck you off? Nah, John just Norwegian ruddered me.
by December 7, 2010
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It is a game (or art form) invented at Brock University, DeCew Residence. It involves 3 individuals, a pusher, a sitter and a rider. The pusher is none specified , the sitter must be male, and the rider must be female. The sitter sits in an office chair, while the pusher spins the office chair in a counter-clockwise direction. The sitter must be wearing a Batman mask. The rider climbs to the highest point in the room. The rider leaps, in a spread eagle position, at the sitters pelvis. This game is played in the nude. If coitus is achieved, it is known as going to the bat cave.
Liam has obtained many V-Cards from doing the Norwegian Swirl.
by The one and only Badger September 20, 2013
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Ancient Norwegian tradition that started in the great city of Boston,MA in March 2012.
A liquid lunch consisting of 4 - 6 pints of local beers and 1 - 2 shots (whiskey-glasses) of Jägermeister.
This "meal" should be consumed during a lunch-hour during a workday.
At least one of the attendees must return to work/school afterwards.
Let's go to the pub for a Norwegian Lunch.
by Pandaman5 April 20, 2013
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Similar to a dutch oven, only the female covers her partner's head with the blankets and then proceeds to queef, trapping the partner under the blanket and forcing them to inhale all of the wretched queef stench.
"George always Dutch Ovens me in the morning and I'm so tired of it, so this morning I retaliated with a meaty Norwegian Easybake, which was especially bad due to my pungent yeast infection."
by Norwegian Queefer February 23, 2012
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A rare species of potato, found by the florist Dr Spud, the first of the spud family. There is only one case of this known to mankind, called Ninki. She lives among us in the society of the North Shore Private schools. She has an incredibly boring life and you cant help but feel sorry for her, and her addiction to books. As evident in the script below, she can be overdramatic and hypercritical.
Sara: Hi I’m Sara and along with my fellow host Becksi, we’ll be hosting NINKI IS THE BEST today.
Becksi: Hey everyone!
Sara: Today, we’ll be interviewing none other than THE NORWEGIAN SPUD
(wild cheers and applause - enter Ninki, waving humbly)
Ninki: Thank you!

Becksi: how are you?
Ninki: Oh, splendid darling!
Sara: Well, that’s really pretty...
Ninki: Aww shucks.
Sara: Pretty ugly!!
Becksi: Sara!
Sara: lol sorry, You’re pretty
Ninki: Am I really?
Sara: ….Yeah?
Ninki: Or are you just stringing me along?
Sara: NO!! I would never-
Ninki: You already did your damage. Too little too late
Sara: Ninki-
Ninki: Save your words for court! When we fight for custody!
Sara: I have a son?
Ninki: no, I have a daughter! And it’s not yours
Sara: WHAT?
Becksi: It’s mine
Sara: I don’t understand
Ninki: That’s right it’s becksi’s, but I’ll fight you in court. And there’s nothing you can do about it.
Sara: ha
Ninki: What? Why dost thou laugh so?
Sara: I find it strange, typical or perhaps hypercritical
Ninki: What?
Sara: You blame me for stringing you along and yet here you stand
Ninki: I’m sorry
Sara: Too late, I have cancer. I have one month left to live
Ninki: Then lets spend this last month together
Sara: No, I’ll spend it with Becksi, my one true love
Becksi: That’s right b*tch
(Becksi and Sara walk out, arm in arm. Ninki splutters in the background)
Ninki: but I’m the norwegian spud
(Has a heart attack)
by rfjiownfvorbvujsbre November 30, 2018
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