A complete idiot who gets no poon and is basically the least likely to get any girls in the friend group. A group of goobers is called goobs. Common characteristics of a goober include: funny looking, clumsy, obese, low iq. This term was originated in Cranford New Jersey, by a red headed man.
Look at that funny looking fat kid! Hes a total Goober!
by kevinkeogh January 28, 2019
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The most delicious mixture of peanut butter and grape jelly. Many believe it was sent down from heaven as a gift to man kind from God.
I wish we had Goober in the pantry, i’m so hungry right now.
by Goober Smuck June 11, 2019
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An oafish dimwitted goofball from a small town, usually from the Southern or Midwestern states, but can also be found in the American Southwest , Pacific Northwest and occasionally the more rural areas of New England. Similar to a hick but with more limited cognitive abilities (as hard to swallow as that might be). Goobers can have lovable characteristics, but that’s not always set in stone.
On the movie Deliverance the guys who sodomized Ned Beatty were hillbillies, while the retard with the banjo was simply a harmless goober.
by McLuvin505 May 3, 2008
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DRQ....... Anyone with the interest of a baseball player and avid hunter
Friend 1:"Let's go hunting this weekend"
Friend 2: "You are such a goober"
by Gamecock16 January 23, 2013
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a very attractive baseball player at whitman highschool who is the hottest sophomore vietnemese kid.the only bad thing about him is he is very shy
Lau: holy shit theeres goober...hottest guy in our grade
Steph: AMEN to that!!
by syracuse December 10, 2004
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Goober refers to drool, spit-up, boogers and other various forms of child slobber, particularly when those substances have come in contact with another person, such as a parent or sibling.
Big Sister: "Baby Sarah just goober'd on me!"

Parent: "Let me wipe off that goober"
by Articulax October 23, 2019
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Parent talking to kid:
"Little Billy, stop playing with your goober or it'll fall off"
by SuperDude12326 November 25, 2008
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