to be pimp, cool, or down with what is going on in todays society
BRON-BRON is so gill dude.
by gill April 19, 2004
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A Gilles is a dark leprochaun and is born with a secret goal, to start a pixie farm. Gilles can often be found hiding in the closets of 10 year old boys, eating the heads off their action figures. If you see a Gilles, pull it's hair. It will snort yellow jelly beans.
"Why are the heads missing off my action figures?" "It must've been a Gilles..."

"I want some yellow jelly beans." "Then go find Gilles!"
by Emmer Demmer May 17, 2010
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The British given last name of those who are morbidly melodramatic or theatrical. Often acting over-animated to achieve recognition within any given society.
"What the fuck? Why is that person crying over spilt milk?"
"Probably a member of the Gill's."
by Gill Member July 25, 2009
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jakes gilled out right now better leave him alone
by janitor April 20, 2005
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Gillingshire is full of golden palaces with giant gardens full of exotic animals ,
protected by the G.R.A (Gilling Republican Army) and an ultimate rival to the cumberlands
I have a lion pride in my back yard , never see them though...
by Renbear October 15, 2004
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Form of currency in the Final Fantasy world. Used in exchange for goods and serveices.
Shop Keeper: That'll be 250 Gill

Homeless Man: Will dance for Gill
by Matt February 19, 2005
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The technique whereby saliva is sprayed directly from the saliva glands under the tongue out through the open mouth. This is usually achieved by first massaging the underside of the tongue with the tip of the tongue to "prep" the glands, then lifting the tip of the tongue towards the roof of the mouth and pushing down and forward with the base of the tongue. When done correctly a jet of saliva can be sprayed a few feet out of the mouth. Having vinegar or lemon juice can help a beginner as it "activates" the saliva glands.
Petey: Yo, what's this wet patch on the back of my head?
Joseph: Lol, Hansel was gilling at you - dude looked like a snake!
by Lore-Bro April 12, 2016
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