Those little chunks of white deodorant that's on the floor and in the lockers of a locker room. Often times they resemble lines of cocaine when they're smeared or smudged.
"Dude what is this white shit in my locker?"

"That's probably locker room crack."

"Crack? Really?"

"No it's deodorant, but it sure does look like crack."
by JuanManClaus June 2, 2019
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The person is so stupid that you just want them to go in a hole and die.
You jack Crack you stole my Cherry Dr.Pepper and Hot cakes.
by GrimReaper1029 October 25, 2017
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The state of recovery after a long weekend of gay bars and unlocked doors, and pool
I am a total Crack taco after Palm Springs Pride.
by NopeNah November 8, 2019
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To spritz lavender fabreze into someone’s exposed butt crack
Gil totally lavender cracked me as I was bent over trying to hook up my PlayStation
by December 16, 2022
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dumbass twitter groupchat that isn't dead. we will live forver!!
kait: remember the og days?
vix: yeah, old crack my head was the best
by definitelynotqueer August 23, 2019
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When a crackhead from the streets of Detroit begins to peak on his solid powder and demand money from you in order to stay on his crack mongering mission.
Damn that crack spazz wouldn't leave me alone for over an hour until I gave gave him a dollar to continue his crack mission.
by King Smidi July 6, 2017
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