3 definitions by JuanManClaus

Cheese that you eat straight from the package in the middle of the night for no goddamn reason.
I was pretty hungry last night, so I went and got some midnight cheese.
by JuanManClaus June 2, 2019
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Those little chunks of white deodorant that's on the floor and in the lockers of a locker room. Often times they resemble lines of cocaine when they're smeared or smudged.
"Dude what is this white shit in my locker?"

"That's probably locker room crack."

"Crack? Really?"

"No it's deodorant, but it sure does look like crack."
by JuanManClaus June 2, 2019
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When you're stalking someone's Instagram page and you accidentally like one of their older posts, indicating that you are stalking them on social media.
"Oh shit bro."

"What happened?"

"I was stalking Rachel's Instagram and accidentally liked one her old posts."

"You gave her the forbidden like?"

"I think so man."
by JuanManClaus June 2, 2019
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