Fuckuum cleaner is a sex position in which the receptionist acts as if she/he is a vacuum cleaner.
Be my fuckuum cleaner. 🌬
by đŸ…°ïž January 16, 2022
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One who cleans the balls of animals, humans, or anything that has a cock and balls that dangle.
Huggie flamed his way into the room at the party and then came Ken in behind him. When asked what they were doing alone in the room; Ken said that he was a good ball cleaner. Huggie licked his fingers and smiled with glee.
by Ball Cleaner May 9, 2014
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In 1804, Several peasants in Germany were revolting against their dictator because he was being a big turkey. They decided that the Americans in America were not helping them enough with there potatos, so they overthrew their king dictator guy, and they went to America with their potatos and hit some Americans. The Americans, out of anger, threw apples at the Germans, who, ironically, were powered up by apples by 7 points! The Americans lost against the Germans, but luckily, since the Germans weren't American, they lost by default. The Americans then took all their apples and renamed them Puerto Rican Sewage Cleaners.
Hey! You there! Yea you ya turkey! Give her the'old Puerto Rican Sewage Cleaner!
by Commander Turkey January 30, 2011
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When a man sit on a toilet and the head of his penis unintentionally dips into the water. Usually, this type of toilet can be found found affixed to a wall and has a hinged seat (not a urinal). Typically this toilet is oval in shape, has a shallow bowl and a high water level. When flushed, the contents exit through the wall not the floor. See also Scrotal Bidet
Guy 1: “Damn! I sat down to shit and my dickhead hit the water!”

Guy 2: “That toilet is a real head cleaner!”
by Wandering_Star February 10, 2020
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A person who punctures their entire tongue with glass then french kisses people to death against their will.
Known to be the most deadly assasins alive.
"I hired Japanese window cleaner to kill (insert enemies name here)im also livestreaming it for pornhub"

"Hes training to become a Japanese window cleaner so he can kill everyone in Detroit"
by Geradinkus May 15, 2017
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What you call an electrical outlet when you’re trying to trick someone to electrocute themselves
Guy: ‘Hey kid, I installed this new “key cleaner” on the wall’
Kid: ‘Aw cool! I’ll try it out right now’
*Kid sticks a key into the “key cleaner” and fucking dies*
Guy: That little shit actually fell for it.
by MaybeLegalFireworksEnthusiast September 11, 2023
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It means something is really nice, but not just regular nice like NICE NICE!
by thisbe.j September 20, 2019
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