a very stereotypical view on the asian languages (usually by dirty rednecks)
Chinese guy: speaking chinese
Redneck The fuck is he sayin, chink speak?
redneck 2: appears so
by Cenafan98 November 7, 2021
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A slang term for the 5.8x42 Chinese. It is an intermediate round.
Chinese Soldier 1: Hey you got any ammo?
Chinese Soldier 2: Ya I got 300 rounds of 5.8 Chink
by Hood Santa March 1, 2021
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A racist slang term for a asian
Amanda is such a slink chink, ni hao mishi bishi
by brownpeepee January 27, 2022
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One of the most DZL people out there. Constantly simping and falling for thirst traps. Tries to get along girls but unfortunately gets bro-zoned.
"Sara, who is the bald guy you are sitting on?" "Oh its Johnson. He sucks my toes every night" "Oh, what a Chink Hao"
by GZLclub July 5, 2022
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the only way chickens can do combat, by chinkin kicking.
'The chicken just killed someone by performing a chinking kick'
by Snargusford January 22, 2022
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Awesome, da shizzle. Word refereing to cool.
That iced out bling bling is the chinkness.
by Robby Chinker May 10, 2005
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Weed or marijuana bought from Darryl Campbell or any associates
by Lubo420 March 3, 2020
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