Affectionately known as a "triple r"; this term refers to any quietly-uttered statement or question (in which case, "triple r" could also stand for "redundant romantic request") that needlessly but pleasantly addresses an already-in-progress action; the purpose is usually to just playfully express gratitude for your romantic partner's taking time to canoodle with you. For example, if you're dreamily watching a sunset with a cutie-chick and you have all ten of her slim delicate digits deeply interlaced with your big leathery ones, and yet you smilingly murmur to her, "wanna hold haaaannndddsss...?"
Huge marshmallow-hearted guy, tenderly cradling a fluffy little number sideways on his lap and nestling her ear against his fuzzy chest so that she can savor his heartbeat: Wanna snuggle?

Cutie, giving a quiet placid giggle at her friend's redundant romantic remark, and slightly tightening her own loving clasp on his brawny encircling arms: We ARE snuggling, you big hairy gorilla!
by QuacksO March 23, 2017
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Aka. R.O.R.P.; When an individual is romantically attracted to people regardless of what religion they practice
Santiago actively practices Islam, but he is open to dating people who practice other religions. He has a religiously open romantic preference.
by Vanguard 1998 April 10, 2021
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If your born on may 1st means your in luck because being born from may 1st-June 5th is when you find your lucky mate. If your mate was born in that time and so were you, it’s a match made in heaven
My bae and I were born in in the romantic dates
by Lovely hoe January 5, 2020
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When someone sees all the red flags before a relationship and is attracted to them
Dude1 "Hey did you hear Dude4 broke into Dude3's house just to watch him sleep?"
Dude2 "Wait doesnt Dude3 have a crush on him still? And he's ok with that?"
Dude1 "He's a romantic bull, sees all those read flags and runs at them"
by FuckRichard69420 January 29, 2021
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A Person Who Has Several Short Lived Romantic Relationships That Are Publicized All Over Social Media.
She Be Talking To Everybody , She Is A Social Media Romantic
by CocoPGE January 15, 2017
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A situation that arises when one or both partners in a romantic relationship are infatuated and distracted by each other that they become oblivious to what is happening in the world around them. It could be they just were not paying attention to their surroundings or they just don’t care. It is not usually done on purpose or to be intentionally mean as they are just distracted.
Luna: Hey Ivan. How are you doing today?
Ivan does not respond to her at all.

Luna: Ivan. How are you doing?
Ivan continues not to respond. Luna turns to Sergio.
Luna: Why is Ivan not responding to me?

Sergio: He is with his girlfriend right now, whom he is easily distracted by. He is probably suffering from a romantic lens flare. I think she will be leaving in a few minutes though, which hopefully he will listen once she leaves.
by Vanguard 1998 June 13, 2021
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Aka. P.C.R.P.; When an individual is only romantically attracted to people who wants and or has children, regardless of whether they prefer to adopt children or have
Emily has a pro-child romantic preference, for she will only date people who want to have kids with her.
by Vanguard 1998 April 11, 2021
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