The act of drooling slurping and sucking a mans testies. A very expensive hobby.
I want to get into Lick My Balls but i know how expensive it is.
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national suck my balls day
it’s national suck my balls day so suck my ballz.
by BIGPAPI167 June 28, 2023
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A literal translation of the Italian phrase : "Rompermi le palle".

Palle can be replaced with coglioni thus becoming "Rompermi I coglioni".
It's used when someone is annoying.
Infinitive : Rompere I coglioni
Italian 1: Hei, lo sapevi che nel contesto di accoppiamento tra umani e Po-
Italian 2: OH MIO DIO. Mi stai rompendo I coglioni.
English :
Italian 1: Hey, did you know that in terms of human and Pokemon bree-
Italian 2: OH MY GOD. You are breaking my balls.
by Chidubemm0 November 7, 2023
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When your coach is an absolute BADASS and he playfully gives you a rough time in training but all in the spirit of good fun and competition
Damn dude the coach keeps breaking my balls!
by Moylestorr March 1, 2021
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When someone is trying to get something off you all the time by being rude.
"Hey Tony, I heard you just got paid."
"I just gave you 20 bucks last week, you really scooch my balls!"
by December 30, 2022
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