Irish Slang for being high on ecstasy tablets.
Commonly used in and around the Holylands Belfast and Derry.
"I'm fucking yoked in Thompsons" this translates to "I am high on ecstasy tablets in Thompsons"
by theyoker3000 February 3, 2017
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a tablet of XTC
how much for a yoke
by infoman January 7, 2003
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A strong choke-hold as defined by Big L.
Yo, did you hear about that dude who got drunk and got put in a tight yoke and almost died?!
by madman5632 September 7, 2010
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To get grabbed or pulled in a jerk like manor by the neck or arm causing an almost whiplash like motion.
He tried to run away with my money but I yoked his ass.

Some dude got yoked out of his car in traffic by a nigga named darrell.
by Charley Sciascia May 12, 2006
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Excessively over-built musculature.
As in... Christopher Bates.
by MRN February 24, 2004
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spinning your tires, doing donuts, dipn(gas-breakn)
he yoked his 5.0 at the sideshow all night
by drezzy April 8, 2006
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To play a joke without the other person knowing about it. Doesn't always have to mean a joke played on by another person but can also refer to any crappy situation in general.

Yoking is different than pranking in the way that it is like a prank, except pranking depends more on the actions of the other person and physical encounters, while yoking is more of like a joke.
Example #1:

John: "Where the hell is my bag?"
Bill: "I don't know dude, I think Sam hid it somewhere."
John: "You got to be yoking me, I have English homework to do!"

Example #2:

Jane: "Where is Sam with my cell phone?"
Jill: "I think he brought it with him on his trip to New York"
Jane: "You have to be yoking me"

Example #3:

Classic yoke:

-Dave chooses to walk home to school which is about 2 kilometers
-Starts to rain
Dave thinks you got to be yoking him right now
by TheCrazedOne September 23, 2014
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