To play a joke without the other person knowing about it. Doesn't always have to mean a joke played on by another person but can also refer to any crappy situation in general.

Yoking is different than pranking in the way that it is like a prank, except pranking depends more on the actions of the other person and physical encounters, while yoking is more of like a joke.
Example #1:

John: "Where the hell is my bag?"
Bill: "I don't know dude, I think Sam hid it somewhere."
John: "You got to be yoking me, I have English homework to do!"

Example #2:

Jane: "Where is Sam with my cell phone?"
Jill: "I think he brought it with him on his trip to New York"
Jane: "You have to be yoking me"

Example #3:

Classic yoke:

-Dave chooses to walk home to school which is about 2 kilometers
-Starts to rain
Dave thinks you got to be yoking him right now
by TheCrazedOne September 23, 2014
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to place ones hands in the front pocket, or "yoke", of anothers sweatshirt and move it about
"we were spooning and yoking while i did her up the ass"
by -jessie- September 28, 2003
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Irish slang for ecstasy tablets.
I swapped a bag of yokes for a horse in 1992!
by amusingusername December 30, 2011
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well muscled; powerfully built.
Gosh, that Shaq is yoked!
by charlie January 25, 2003
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Have you got any yokes Seamus? Sorry Padraig, I sold my last one to Fiachra.
by anonymous February 23, 2004
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Originally referring to a strong or large trap muscle between the shoulder and neck. Word originates from the "yoke" that is placed around the neck of oxen. Has now developed into a broad term for hugeness and strength.
"Fuck that guys huge, he has no neck!"
"The guys fucking yoked!"
by ebasshole August 16, 2011
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