An interracial threesome sex position involving two white men and one black person in between. Similar to the Eiffel Tower.
Dude! Chris, Tanisha, and Bryan we're caught doing the Uh Oh Oreo!
by Backpack69420 February 26, 2021
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An Uh Oh Oreo can be used as a romantic or sexual term for a threesome involving two caucasian persons with one african american person. It's essentially the opposite of an oreo (two african american persons with one caucasian person). The term originated when I was dating my scumbag ex, who was a white boy always talking about how he wanted to have a threesome with Tyra Banks and I, so I decided to flip it around for a change.
White Boy: I would LOVE to have an Uh Oh Oreo with Megan Fox and Tyra Banks.
by OPDEEEEEEZY June 25, 2010
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a white kid that acts like a black brotha

comes from the new oreos that are white on the outside and black on the inside
Eminem thinks hes a uh-oh-oreo
by sylvia grace January 7, 2007
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Wen WHITE PERSON caucasian trys to act GHETTO
or they believe they are street smart
I go to this school & man do i be getting mad. I be seeing them uh oh oreos all over the place.
by gatita June 6, 2006
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The process of explosively defecating while ejaculating.
"I had Mindy over last night and gave her the old uh-oh Oreo."

"Dude, what's that!?"

"She was giving me a blowie, and when I came I shit all over her parents bed"

"Dude, that's awesome!"
by Mistersponge September 28, 2011
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If ib 1st2 define it i say:
Anything that got white on the outside, black on the inside, like an uh-oh cracker.
Yo! Whatcha smoken? Oh ic u got puff frmn dat uh-oh oreo, dam snicka!
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some one who is, as well as being an uh oh oreo (black on the inside and white on the outside), is completely nuts as well!
random person:oops! i spilled my diet coke on myself!
peanut butter uh oh oreo: oh no you dident!!!!
random person:WTF - ur crazy!
by liz May 19, 2005
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