1. (adj.) Describing a situation, person, or event that is pathetic.
"Man, you didn't wash yo' ass after sleeping with that girl?! You just triflin'!!"
by tak October 8, 2001
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adj, Used to describe a deceitful manipulative person or action.
Did you hear how he caught her in bed with another guy? That girl is trifling!
by Sliptastic August 16, 2007
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The act of yourself and two additional accomplices taking consecutive shits in the same toilet without anyone flushing, thus giving the same look of the three layered desert, leaving the host with an inevitably backed up toilet.
Two friends and I went to a really lousy party. The food gave all of us the shits. So, before we left the party, we took turns and left a trifle.
by jesusinya October 7, 2011
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Of little or no importance; meaningless
"Look at that bum" "he lives the life of a trifle"
by Dick33 April 30, 2008
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When a hippo takes a big dump in front of a group of 1st graders and then eats it.

That's triflin'.
In response to the hungry hippo's action, "Oh no, that's triflin'!"
by T-dog & Puddles January 7, 2005
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