Gilling is the act of inserting a raw small to mid sized fish into a vagina or anus with the mouth facing outwards, and having a penis penetrate the mouth for the purposes of intercourse. Often done in an attempt to increase tightness and odour quality.

If there is ejaculate remaining in the fish it is optional to use it in a fish based dish afterwards, like a chowder or stock.
Boy I sure did enjoy gilling the Thompsons daughter the other week.
by droidroi December 27, 2018
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One sexy-ass bearded fish-boi who will flop his way into ya girl's DM's and is guaranteed to make the ladies 💦💦
Oh damn that Gill swimming in a school of thots
by YouAlreadyKnowWhoItBe April 15, 2018
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verb. to hang out with someone you don't know very well with the intent to know them better. completely platonic.
adj. describing a person you'd like to gill.
Kristy: I think Matt is a cool person who I'd like to get to know better, but we've only talked a couple of times in econ class.
Ted: You should gill him!
Kristy: Yeah!
by missfantastic January 24, 2014
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creating an act of talent for a celebrity crush and successfully getting them to contact you.

so named after Chelsea Gill who on January 2nd 2012 wrote a song for celebrity jason segel which he saw and took her and her twin sister out to the comedy awards later that week.
i'm going to make a Gilling video and maybe patrick fugit will see it and reply back to me.
by kryz-D January 14, 2012
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to be pimp, cool, or down with what is going on in todays society
BRON-BRON is so gill dude.
by gill April 19, 2004
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V. To ask an obvious question to which the answer is known by most of the listening audience. Often the same question which the giller is asking has already been answered shortly before.
Teacher: We're going to go eat at 12:00
Students: Ok Mrs. Shweiss.
Sean: What time are we going to eat?
Students(to teacher): You've just been Gilled Mrs. Schweiss!

by dolob April 30, 2009
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A Gilles is a dark leprochaun and is born with a secret goal, to start a pixie farm. Gilles can often be found hiding in the closets of 10 year old boys, eating the heads off their action figures. If you see a Gilles, pull it's hair. It will snort yellow jelly beans.
"Why are the heads missing off my action figures?" "It must've been a Gilles..."

"I want some yellow jelly beans." "Then go find Gilles!"
by Emmer Demmer May 17, 2010
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