To become extremely paranoid while under the influence of weed.
Frient 1: Hey lets go toke a bowl
Frient 2: Hold up man let's wait until the cops leave or else I'll be skeeving for days
by TRexLex14 November 14, 2012
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(v): to steal electronic data, especially credit card numbers via hacking. Named for Skeeve Stevens, the first Australian jailed for computer crime.
Someone skeeved my Mastercard
h3y dude, can yuo skeeve m3 sum webmail accountz??
by jizzy-kay July 1, 2009
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Verb: to steal
Noun: a theft, someone who is untrustworthy in nature
- "Dude I'm about to go skeeve a drink from their cooler"

- "Dude skeeve like a few grams out of old boys sack"

- "Dude, did you just see that guy come over here and take a drink from our cooler? What a skeeve."

- "Yo make sure you weigh that sack, I've heard that dude is a total skeeve."
by jagthehobo September 1, 2009
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Someone who watches porn in the middle of the day.
"I put the clock forward five hours so I wouldn't feel like a skeeve."
by Roksdude September 5, 2009
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When you are going to take something or mooch off someone also known as skeeving
Skeeve 1: I heard ricky just got an 8th of ganj
Skeeve 2: Finna skeeve that shit
by 661784849 June 18, 2011
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A guy lurking around the background who you are sure is up to something.
"Keith just stood in the corner all night at Maggie's party and didn't talk to anyone. When I looked over at him he winked and blew me a kiss. What a Skeeve Bannon!"
by SkeeveBannon February 1, 2017
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A feeling of unease about a impending situation or future communication.
“I’ve been on unemployment for 2 months now and I’m Pre-skeeved about going back to work and seeing work people!”

“ I heard from a friend at work that some guy from the mail department wants me bad, however, I’m Pre-skeeved that he might smell like shit!!”
by Froliciousness April 23, 2020
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