A reduced variation of u-hauling* that includes the rapid emotional, sexual and physical connection without the expectation of immediately moving in with one another. Road trips are often used as a trial run for couples to see how potentially compatible they are to live together. Road-tripping is the conventional, preliminary stage that leads to an unconventional, fast paced relationship.

*u-hauling refers to two women who move in together very soon after they start dating.

Taking big steps emotionally, but not the

- two women who move in together very soon after they start dating
-emotional, sexual, and physical connection (intense)
- attached very quickly
- women who move quickly in the relationship emotionally or sexually and move in together
"Moving in together is a huge commitment. I think we should continue road-tripping."

"They've been spending a lot more time together lately. It appears their road-tripping is evolving into u-hauling."
by Jarah818 August 25, 2021
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When someone references an event or conversation that happened a long time ago or around people who you would need to explain it to.
Joe: "remember Liz's party man?"
Jack: "ya man, road trip."
by Anvil September 9, 2006
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When two or more guys have sex with a girl, each of the guys choose a designated hole to penetrate similar to how they would choose spots in the car for the ride
When Jim and Carl went on a road trip with Sally, Jim stayed in the front and Carl stayed in the back the whole ride.
by Mr.Geeve March 5, 2015
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That's when you pull over and shag in an abandoned building. Once only popular in Ratus, Moldova, it's taking the world over by storm
Stacy: "Hey, I had a date with Jake last night and he took me to the old mill."

Svetlana: "So you had a Moldovan Road Trip?"

Stacy: "Of course"
by antmaninthanosass April 18, 2019
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The sensation that becomes travelers after 5+ hours in the car, particularly when driving at night. Road trip Insanity includes saying things that don't make sense, laughing hysterically at things that are not funny, and a general sense of "loopey-ness"
Once travelers have reached the point of Road Trip Insanity, there is not turning back.
Bob- I'm validated!
Tom- I'm inebriated!

Sally- Looks like you guys have a bad case of Road Trip Insanity.
by roadmaster1217 October 11, 2010
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One of the worst bands ever.... They try to be like every other GOOD band but fail horribly every time. And their so called roadies are so annoying and start stupid drama.. So road trip is the worst band ever.. GO STREAM "TALK" BY WHY DONT WE ON SPOTIFY AND I TUNES.
Girl 1: do you know you road trip is?
Girl 2: who the fuck is that
Girl 1: an irrelevant band that thinks theyre why dont we

Girl 2: what the fuck.. Why don't we is so much better than them.. Hehehe
by Jeeperznutzsack July 18, 2018
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