Tired and exhausted. Completely spent and thus, useless.
Before the Partwii, Lauren, the cyborg, bus surfed over to Mickey D’s with his brofriend Chuck Norris and bought a McGangbang happy meal with the funds that he jacked from his sugar momma after his disco nap that afternoon. Chuck pulled out his phone from his nuthuggers and started sexting a ginger slice with a tramp stamp that he had been friendly following ever since they shared a game of Jager pong. Lauren gave Chuck the air jerk as he noticed Tanasa the grade digger that sat next to him in his art class. Lauren gave her the “let’s just be friends” nod and grabbed his happy meal. As Lauren walked outside he saw, Bruce, the designated drunk, as he started wailing teenybopper show tunes. Bruce was manstrating again and wanted his fix of Dr. Pepper and Big league chew. The night of celebrating Lauren’s nomotion had barely even started and already he was knackered.
by Micron X February 24, 2010
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1. Derogatory and politically incorrect term for member of the Irish Traveller community.

2. Irish equivalent to someone from 'The Hood'.
"me n al me mates ran amok on o'connell streeh when dem orange baasturds tried teh march dowin ih...lit a car on fire and battered Charlie Bird"

Fucking Knackers!
by Damho May 19, 2010
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Plural noun - "Knackers" is a traditional British slang word for Testicles.

The word has found occasional usage in other parts of the anglosphere.

"Knackers" is often used as an interjection to show disbelief or as a term of exasperation. The word is more or less synonymous with Bollocks - meaning something is broken, false, wrong or malfunctioning.

The word repurposes another slang term - Knackered which means tired, broken or malfunctioning.
("This gear box is getting knackered") and is instead used purely to denote testicles.

The etymology probably has its origin in attacks on the testicles; so to "Knacker" someone would be to render them incapacitated (broken), and kicking someone's testicles is a fast way to do this. So to kick someone in the "knackers" would be to put them out of action.

"Knackers" is generally regarded as slightly less offensive than "Bollocks" as a term.

The word "Knacker", can be used to describe a lone testicle.
"Thats a real kick in the knackers."
"Oh knackers I dropped the tiny screw"
"These pants are a little tight around the knackers"
"Your left knacker has escaped your underpants and is hanging free in the breeze."
by RenHoek28 July 20, 2018
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When you have recently blown your load and are very down and tired.
"Hey Brad you want a blow Job" - Molly
"Im still knackered from when we had sex 30 mins ago" - Brad
by MassiveLad March 20, 2016
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1) Substitute for 'mate' when addressing a close friend or acquaintance. Often reserved for someone you admire for their hard work or toughness.

2) Testicles
"G'day Knackers, hows it going?"

"Looks like he copped one in the knackers"
by Down under July 25, 2008
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To be covered in semen or to be extremely tired.
"dude that guy knackered me last night"
"i thought you were a guy!"

"oh. oops. i guess im gay."
by aboybrushedblue May 23, 2010
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