if somethings kick ass, its really cool. Great! As in it kicks the ass of all else. It can be inanimate and still kick ass. lol- inanimate, like busted's career
"That kicks ass"
"Wow! I kicked ass"
by dead fly May 22, 2004
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Very Good at something, to be awsome at a game or activity.
by Hooded1 January 20, 2004
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something that's really incredibly awesome
You're hair today is totally kick-ass
by Anonymous October 31, 2003
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a great career attitude for those with enough nerve to do it
Today at the office I kicked my co-worker's ass for not doing his job right. My boss saw me, but I kicked his ass before he could speak. He was about to fire me, so I kicked his ass some more, and got a promotion instead.
by RayX August 20, 2005
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When a new piece of equipment is so good and so cutting edge that the term state of the art doesn't do it any justice.
Check out this kick of the ass warp core I built in my shed

These new 10,000 microfarad flux capacitors are really kick of the ass. Back in my day they didn't even have 100uF ones
by towel404 December 26, 2009
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The illistration of a better thought.One who knows better than another.One who doesn't give into childish games. "Not the only one just the ONE".One who can overcome worthless bable, Yet babbles the best.With infomation above the rest.Setting an informitive life for those uninformed.And making changes for the best.
Are you done making problems now. Were going to kick there ass with your mind.2+2 still equals 4.But your Constitutional rights have been taken away(completley), Wheather you want to unerstand it or not. "So fuck off"(the true sentence is,"I'm going to kick your ass with my mind"But this program wouldn't let me illistrate it that way.
by dgsmp May 3, 2008
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Verb: To be really, really, really cool. <present tense>
He/She/It/That Dude/That Chick, kicks ass!
That is an amazingly kick ass pair of lips on that woman's face.
by Lex May 20, 2004
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