A combination between: Dick, and tits. Used as an exclamation.
(Just got hit by an RCXD in COD)
"Dits, man! I saw that coming, too!"
by BootsNCats November 14, 2011
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1)short for "demon in the sack"
2)a girl who would be crazy and dominant in bed
3)girl who would be an amazing root, she would know exactly what to do an would gie you a real good time
1)"man that girl would be a real demon in the sack
"yeah a real Dits"

2)"dude, that guy over there's mum is a Dits, she was a pshyco last night, she monstered me"

3)"i would bang that Dits"
"yeah she would be so good"
"shes a big Hienz as well"
by not me or you May 3, 2009
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One syllable shorter for dido, and way cooler.
"dude im going skiing this weekend!"

by The pseudonymer November 7, 2013
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1. The result of a common error made during the attempt of typing the word "did."
user1: i dit it!
user2: you mean did.
user1: you know what i mean dammit!
by TewSLy August 4, 2011
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the little lines on your cell phone that measure battery power
I only have one dit on my cell phone. we might get cut off.
by millie October 2, 2004
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Dublin Institute of Technology.
The biggest university in Ireland.
Credited with having the best engineering courses in Europe.

Often put down due to lack of campus by sworne enemies in trinity college.

DIT students either rise above it or swing a glass bottle.
I'm in DIT Bolton St.

Oh, you're smart?
by Sn0 July 7, 2006
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Someone who is insecure and only sees things in one possible way.
lydias a dit she thinks everything has to be done her way.

I think she should stick to being suicidal.
by Jon M. S. January 26, 2004
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