Adj. In a drunk or severly intoxicated state.
"You let Sam drive home last night? He looked pretty cut up to me."
by Whitby March 29, 2004
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Simalar to cut in, cut off. To drive in a manner that disrupts someone else, e.g to pull in to another lane of a road and force someone already in that lane to brake harshly to avoid a crash.
I was cut up AGAIN by audi man on the M1 last sunday.
by oracle February 1, 2005
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Anyone you've had sex with.
"I was having a good night at the bar last weekend when I ran into an old cut-up, the clingy one who always wanted to spend the night."
by tatereno May 14, 2023
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Slang for getting a hair cut.
"Man you went in there and got straight cut up!"
by Donald McCann August 8, 2007
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to fucken own a bitch with verbal disses to the point where they have no respect left
Tommy: yo nigga yo dicks so small you need some tweezers and macaroni to masturbate
Bystander: yo that nigga got cut up!
by dalax July 11, 2008
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