The subject of common debate as to whether these fried potato snacks should be considered chips or crisps. especially during school hours. this debate has before created great distress within the smaller community. Mainly, this term is used by people that have British heritage, and people who have a chip on there shoulder. you cannot have a crisp on your shoulder.
dave: heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy its me the advocate of crsips, here to argue about why these things are called crisps.

everyone else: you misspelt crisps.
dave: I don't care, its still crisps.
by itschips February 14, 2023
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"Crisp" is used to say that something is good or awesome.
1. That new show is pretty Crisp!
2. Those shoes are not Crisp.
3. Nuclear war is not Crisp.
4. Johnny is pretty Crisp.
by NotSahen April 21, 2017
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waaaaay up where the air is crisp
by BumStatusYo December 19, 2018
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When you to embarrassed to eat crisps around people cause of the noise it makes. So you suck them instead of chewing them.
Rachel was to embarrassed to eat her crisps when starting her new job so she quietly sat there crisping.
by Bwooly1001 April 1, 2016
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tight, cool, awesome, ill, sick
Bro, your new haircut is crisp.

Dude, your shirt is crisp.
by Jonsson August 29, 2010
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(2006) adj. Most recent derivative of the tight, cool, awesome, groovy family of words. Specifically refers to something positive or hip. Like the word cool, crisp can also act as a method to break silence, or assert acceptance.
She's so crisp because everyone likes her.

Your guitar fills the air with a crisp vibe.

"Are we crisp?" "Yes, we're crisp."

"I want to try to be a movie star." "That's crisp!"

by Xapheus April 24, 2006
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Example 1: I'll give you a crisp high-five.

Example 2: I'll send you a crisply written email.

Example 3: That was a crisp football pass.
by Ereck Flowers February 28, 2018
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